
Wednesday, January 7, 2015

La Vie Boheme

La Vie Boheme

I don't know whether I should be proud or embarrassed but La Vie Boheme from the Broadway show RENT came on my shuffle today and I was surprised at how I remembered every word to this crazy tune. As I rocked out in my tiny car with 2 kids in the back (with headphones on) I was reminded of happy memories from Bluett Theatre with Thom, Jenny, Bobby, Tim and so many more in our off minutes at Cap and Bells practices.

Ahh memories.

La Vie Boheme!!


Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Can a Tiny Phrase Really Change Your Mood

Can a Tiny Phrase Really Change Your Mood??

What a week to start a goal to blog daily?!?!

It's been a week filled with fevers, pink eye, coughs, colds, transitioning back from break with kids missing school and this morning I had an epic meltdown. And now its all saved for everyone's memory because of a goal to blog everyday! :)

Not a proud mommy moment!

I needed to take the day to stay home and I was unprepared to be faced with that decision. Last night, Domenic and I ran through plan A, B, and C and none of them included me taking the whole day. 

There was some forced perspective! By 8:30 my lesson plans were done and we had doctor appointments for all 3 boys. 2 hours later we had 2 pink eye diagnoses and 3 shots with fever side effects....grrrrr!

Nicholas was feeling disappointed about missing school because it was one of his teachers birthday's today. So we stopped by Dunkin Donuts, got some coffees for the teachers, and donuts for the kiddos. His classmates were happy to see him! His teachers were shocked and so appreciative. So. Grateful!

We spent the rest of the day eating soup, laying in our pj's and snuggling. Honestly, it was a gift! A gift wrapped with eye drops that burn and lots of dirty tissues. But a gift!

Domenic and I swiched off since I had a late doctors appointment and needed to run some errands. On my list... thank you cards.

This package of cards caught my eye!

I had to have them!

That was gold...
With a purple envelope!

It might as well had MADE SPECIAL FOR THERESA MINGACCI right across the packaging!!!!

I had to have them!

So I bought them and put them on my desk. They caught my eye all night long as we went about our routines. 

Once Zack was asleep I sat to write the thank you notes. 

I was so aware of how my mood and reflection of the day was changing.

I need to be more grateful. Every day. Every moment. Through the craziness. When plans A, B, and C require a plan D!

It's insane that I was brought to tears because my babies were sick and I had to stay home.

As painful as it is to write that sentence, it was the disappointment that my babies were sick that lead to all the overwhelming feelings that caused my meltdown.

I sat as I finished my cards and stared at one. I promised to frame it and place it at my desk as a constant reminder to be grateful...even through the little hiccups that present themselves daily.

Be Grateful!


Monday, January 5, 2015

Focus On The Good

Focus On The Good

Today I'm thankful for....

Being able to wear my hair curly (and have it "done")...

Having boys that help each other get out the door in the morning...

Having wonderful people around us that spend the day with our boys when we're working...

Working in a place that's so much more than a's a home away from home...

Working with friends

A tiny momento from a students trip to India...a little wooden elephant I will cherish

Students that make me laugh...

Teacher friends that don't mind helping out with non-teacher projects...



A hubby that cooks...

And cleans up after dinner so I can work out...

The ability and the time to excersize...

Giggling on the couch with the littles...

Being able to take care of Luke as he's on day 3 of fevers (really trying to focus on the good here)...

Tubby time...

Story time...

Knowing Bob Marley songs to sing to my babies...

A hot bubble bath...

A delicious cup of coffee...

 The Bachelor...

Flannel sheets...

A book to finish...

A hope for a restful nights sleep...


Sunday, January 4, 2015

A Bittersweet End to the Holiday Season

A Bittersweet End to The Holiday Season

(Warning: Fuzzy pictures below!)

Great Wolf Lodge, blow up lawn decorations, visits with grandparents, visits to Santa, Peddlers Village, Christmas shows, Christmas Eve and Day traditions, Pats, Art Museum, Rocky, date night in AC, NYE, basketball, couch time, and preparation to get ready to go back to school!

So thankful for these little faces!
Such happy memories!!!


Saturday, January 3, 2015

An Ordinary Saturday

An Ordinary Saturday

Taking down decorations, basketball, lunch in Doylestown, smoothies, and a nap!

Woke to Luke with a fever and Nick a crazy cough!

Here's to winter!!!

Hoping tomorrow's a bit healthier!!!


Friday, January 2, 2015

Keep Calm

Today's Motto: Keep Calm!

Woke up feeling like I still had a cold coming on...The baby was up early and wanted to snuggle...and Nicholas had come into our bed in the middle of the night and was super restless all night!

Just Breathe! It's a Friday and we don't have to work!

Everyone moseyed up to our bed to get wake me up (a perk of vacation is getting to sleep in a bit)! We snuggled and giggled and watched some Mickey Mouse Clubhouse!

We were getting ready to come downstairs when Zack took a tumble

Tears...from almost everyone as we watched it happen!

Try to just breathe!!!!

Seemed like he was ok just so, so scared!

Domenic left for work and the boys and I got ready for the day!
Dr. appt, drive to NJ, visit Grandma Pascarella, visit with Mimi and Pop, dinner with Diane, Lori and Philip, and drive home!

Just Breathe!

It was all lovely!!!

Visiting with Grandma and Aunt Anne was awesome! They loved the frame and had lots of treats! Nick loved hanging with Armann and talking all about WWE.

Then we hung at Mimi and Pop's house. Mimi, Pop, Clare, JR, Cat, Bern, Cousins...Dinner and dessert were delish!


Getting home I finally looked at the press surrounding Hannah's services today!

Can't write too much about her today but it was on my mind all day!

I'm so lucky to have happy, healthy people around me! Not just my own children but throughout my family and friends!

Today I pray for Hannah. I hope and pray she's in a better place doing all the things her terrible illness never allowed her to do. I pray for her mom, dad, sisters, and grandparents who are missing her so terribly. I can't imagine the void she has left!

Just Breathe!

Today's motto..keeping calm and breathing...accomplished!


Thursday, January 1, 2015

A New Year...A New Beginning...A New Chance

Happy New Year!

2015 is here!!!!!!

This year I hope to be many things!

and Happy!!!

I have lots of goals! All equally important and exciting!

But a bit too big of a project tonight!

Tonight I'm thinking about how much fun my little family had at our NYE party last night (which is impacting my fatigue levels tonight!)

I'm thinking about how lucky I am to have this guy!

I'm thinking about how lucky I am to have 3 funny, sweet boys!

I'm thinking about how lucky I am to have been able to rock Zack for 20 minutes while he snuggled with me (even if its because he's feeling under the weather!)

I'm thinking about how lucky I am to have Nick beg me to snuggle (even as I try and finish this post!)

I'm thinking about how lucky I am to have Luke jump next to me as we watch Armageddon because I was teary and we was a little scared!

I'm thinking that this week my goals are to be kind to myself and blog every day!
7 days!
I can do it!

Happy New Year!

Resolutions are just chances to form new habits!
Can't wait!
