
Wednesday, July 24, 2013

A Squeeze

5 tiny fingers
   reaching out for something to squeeze

1 day old!
A question...
A message...
A conversation...
And a promise...

Is that you?
Will you always hold my hand?
Will you help me?
Thank you keeping me happy and fed!
Thank you for comforting my cries!
You make me feel safe!
I trust you!
I love you!

I love you too!
15 days old!
 This moment, I want to never, ever forget!

An Perfect Opportunity for a Happy Day

79 degree weather
Sunshine with a pretty breeze
A perfect summer weather day

Sleeping in a bit
A happy morning baby
Visiting teacher friends and students
A happy eruption of hellos and congratulations
Pride in the behavior of Luke and nick participating in an unexpected activity

Sitting outside on a shady park bench
Walking around our favorite town
A hunt for a little hidden cartoon character 

Quiet moments with my little prince
An iced coffee
Reading and blogging
An empty cafe 

Joined by 3 other amazing men

A great picture
A 3 week birthday
A night of family AGT television
A yummy treat

A happy day!

2 weeks of bliss

Happy 2 week birthday!

It's been 2 weeks since baby Zack made his way into the world! And its been pure bliss!

Time is already traveling too fast. 
I need everything to SLOW DOWN!

Zachary, you are such a good baby! 
You sleep well only waking up once or twice per night 
(which allows Mommy to sleep well too)! 
You eat well and we're going through lots of diapers which means your healthy and everything's working as it should. 

You're also so much stronger than you 
should be for only 2 weeks old. 
You hold you head up often, 
love tummy time, 
and can even roll over already (front to back)! 
You love to snuggle laying and hold hands 
as you're drifting to sleep!

You are truly precious!

Your brothers continue to adore you! 
They love cuddling with you and holding you. 
They have gotten very comfortable because they now think its funny to make your arms do the Gangnam Style dance. 
I remind them to be gentle but you are all terribly cute when you playing together.

Everyone (including you) has adjusted 
so quickly and so well. 

You've spent lots of time around family 
and have been a busy boy!
Malls, restaurants, parks, walks, Doylestown...
We've had a hard time staying put with it being summer time and with Luke and Nick wanting to stay busy!
You've been a trooper hanging right in with the family and going with the flow!

We love you! 

Monday, July 8, 2013

Worth the Wait...Zachary John Mingacci has arrived!

Worth the Wait...

He's here!

Zachary John Mingacci
arrived at 2:58 a.m.
on July 3rd, 2013

A most perfect anniversary present!

He is precious...and gorgeous...and peaceful...
and adorable...and healthy...and happy...
and such a little love!

We are so very blessed!

The story of his arrival!
After a long few days of endless contractions and waiting for true active labor 
to be upon arrived Tuesday morning!
Monday July 1st (1 day after my due date) Domenic and I eagerly went to my weekly doctor's appointment yearning for an update. One could say I was more than disappointed when there was essentially no progress. It was a long afternoon with a few tears and a long shower, but it was followed by a fun night of spicy food 
(Taco Bell with fire sauce on every bite) and a family walk around the block. 
(I am in no way saying this put me in labor...I'm simply stating what took place!) :)
Late Monday night, into Tuesday my contractions got stronger. 
I had a feeling they were changing but I had been having contractions for so many days, 
I wasn't getting excited over a little change! Tuesday morning, Domenic went to work at SBA's summer program and I took the boys on a little trip to a library to find a copy of Mrs. Doubtfire for a family movie night. Later that afternoon, Donna, Gina, and Sacha stopped by so the boys could play for a while. We all became aware that things were changing and this could be the real thing! After they left, I began timing my contractions and they were every 8 or so minutes. 
So I did what any normal woman in labor would do...I dyed my hair!
Rediculous..I know! But I needed something that was going to keep me busy for a short amount of time so I could continue to time them without laying around! 
So I dyed my hair...finalized packing my bag...and packed the boys bag.
Domenic gave the boys dinner and around 7:00 we left to drop the kids at Nan and Pop's 
and headed to the hospital.
My contractions were every 2-5 minutes (AND WERE KICKING MY BUTT)!
We arrived at the hospital, I was evaluated and admitted by 8:45.
Did I mention my contractions were kicking my butt!
My epidural was ordered but we had to wait 45 minutes for it to arrive.
I thought I was going to die!
I had a crazy new respect for anyone who has had a baby without drugs.
Once I got my epidural (while watching Big Brother...pathetic I know!) it was smooth sailing!
My parents and Catherine arrived around 11:00 and we relaxed together
(HA! Relaxed while the edidural did all the work!)
Around 2:40 Dr. Ruiz came in to check me and said our baby was ready to be born!
A few short moments later! We heard the beautiful cries from our little man!

The moment we had been waiting for had arrived!

Our family of 5 is now complete!
Zachary, we love you to pieces already!