
Monday, November 18, 2013

Day is over, Night has come....

This says it perfectly!

7 days back to work!
While the transition has gone better than expected...I'm thoroughly exhausted trying to get it all done!!

After a long day and a long night... Nothing is better than giving extra good night kisses to my sleeping boys!

I am so thankful to have 3 happy, flexible, easy going boys!

And nothing is sweeter that seeing them sprawled out in their beds hopefully dreaming the sweetest of dreams!

After a long, hot shower...
The day is over, night has come.
Today is gone, what's done is done.
Embrace your dreams, through the night,
Tomorrow comes with a whole new light!

Thursday, November 7, 2013

These Were A Few of My Favorite Things

These Were A Few of My Favorite Things

Having the past 17 weeks home with Zack and being a full-time Mommy to all 3 boys has been absolutely amazing!

As I prepare to return to work tomorrow, I'm trying to put my worries aside and focus on all of My Favorite Things from the past few weeks and being a stay at home mommy!

-Staying in bed until 7 on school days

-Having a leisurely morning..making breakfast..feeding Zack...getting myself and the boys ready for the day (without breaking a sweat)...

-Driving Nicholas to school every morning

-Being the "Mr. Chloe Car!"

-Rocking out to Blurred Lines, Don't Wake Me Up, and Roar

-Hanging with the mom's at the bus stop

-Hearing the kids yell.."1, 2, 3....NOT IT!"

-Getting Zack into a routine for his 1st nap (Falling asleep most days before the bus pulled away)

-Watching my 7..then 8 year old wave to me out the bus window

-Doing laundry whenever I felt like it

-Watching Kelly and Michael and The View (SO CHEEZY)


-Pumpkin coffee

-Going running with the jogging stroller

-Days of no tv and blaring music

-Reading (even though only one of the three books I started got finished...Im still working on it!)

-Taking pictures of everything autumn!

-Football practices and games

-Zack's adorable green and blue hat

-Playing with Nicholas at the playground at dismissal

-Walking to the bus stop

-Racing Luke as he ran home from the bus stop


-Mid-day phone dates with friends

-Catching up on RHONJ

-Allowing Nicholas to be a "1/2 day friend"

-Taking all 3 boys for a special lunch and Disney store trip....just because

-Driving Luke to school the first few days in September and hanging out at the memorial gazebo

-Snuggling with Zack even after he'd fallen asleep eating

It's all been wonderful! It feels harder going back to work this time...but I also feel like I've done a better job appreciating this time!

21 sleeps until Thanksgiving....
48 sleeps until Christmas...
and 219 sleeps until my birthday (usually around the end of the school year!)

Cut Yourself Some Slack

Cut Yourself Some Slack


When you let random thoughts cause you stress...Cut Yourself Some Slack

When you need to cry...Cut Yourself Some Slack 

When there are still piles of laundry all over the house...Cut Yourself Some Slack

When you pour a Wednesday night glass of wine...Cut Yourself Some Slack

When you're not able to finish the various projects you started...Cut Yourself Some Slack

When you feel jealous of stay at home mommies...Cut Yourself Some Slack

When you stay in the shower for an extra 5 minutes...because it's warm and quiet...Cut Yourself Some Slack

When you know you should me sleeping but you need to read to relax...Cut Yourself Some Slack

When you eat more treats then you should...Cut Yourself Some Slack

When you toss your to-do list out the window...Cut Yourself Some Slack

When all you want to do is snuggle with your you do...Cut Yourself Some Slack

When you wear the days make up to bed because you don't feel like washing your face...Cut Yourself Some Slack

When you feel frustrated with your messy counters...Cut Yourself Some Slack

When you let the ringing phone go to voicemail...Cut Yourself Some Slack

When you fear the dads reading this will roll their eyes...Cut Yourself Some Slack

 When you have to force yourself with every bone in your body to find the silver lining...Cut Yourself Some Slack

When you need to edit a post tomorrow...Cut Yourself Some Slack

Wish I was better at taking this advice!

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words

A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words

They say, "A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words!" I don't know about that. But this picture is definitely worth a thousand thoughts.

This smattering of objects was spontaneous!  There was no fabrication here.

Here's what you see:

3 1/2   Vinylmations

1 baby bottle

1 half drank a bottle of water (or half-full if you choose to see it that way)

1 Finn McMissile mini car

1 happy meal toy book

1 Journal

2 packages of Post-it's

1 package of Listerine strips

2 copies of the November calendar

1 laptop

1 Target toy catalog

1 baggie of cut up coupons (Nicholas is cutting homework)

And a few stray drops of water...

Like I said, no fabrication here! 

Just another day… On the counter… In the Mingacci house!

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

RELAX....And take a minute for yourself!

RELAX....And take a minute for yourself!

I think I will!

      (Written on my lunch bag!)

(Still snuggling as I finish this post)

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Playing Hooky for the Afternoon

Playing Hooky for the Afternoon...

With only 10 true days of maternity leave left, there is a desire to cherish every waking moment and take advantage of the extra time I have right now.

Nick has been begging to be a "half day friend!" These are students who are in his class that get picked up at 11:45 as opposed to 3:15. There aren't many 1/2 day friends but nevertheless I think some days its hard to see other kids leave with their moms and dads at lunchtime.

So today was a field trip day for him. His class was going to the farm for the morning! So yesterday when he asked if he could be a half day friend, I smiled and said "Absolutely!" I also remember many kids going home early after field trips when I was a kid.

Of course, once Luke heard Nick was going to be a half day friend, we decided to make it a family affair.

And it has been so lovely!

I picked Luke up at 11:30 and make it to pick Nicholas up at 11:45. We decided to go to the mall for lunch. And no trip to the mall is complete without a swing around The Disney Store. Of course, we couldn't NOT take advantage of the Vinylmations being BOGO (twice!)! The boys left the mall super excited and appreciative!


We came home...I fed Zack (who's now quietly napping upstairs on my bed) and the boys have been playing for over an hour...together...with no tv on...and no bickering!

It's been a great afternoon so far! A great opportunity to make new memories!

Thursday, October 17, 2013

When the Going Gets Tough

When the Going Tough...

This is a reminder that all we do doesn't always go unnoticed!

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Today I am Thankful for...

Today I am Thankful for...

Waking up healthy!

Little boys who love to snuggle!

Goodbye kisses from my love!

Plenty of time to make breakfast and watch morning tv with the boys!

A baby who will still enjoys nursing!

Amazing fall weather!

Smiles from teachers welcoming Nicholas with open arms for another day of school!

Time to watch Luke run and play at the bus stop!

Opportunities to teach Zack sleeping (well today it was just relaxing) doesn't have to be a bad/scary thing to do!

The ability to make my baby smile by singing to him!

The time to catch up on 2 blog posts!

Pumpkin lattes!

Surprise leftover lunch (taco pasta + Mac n cheese)

Domenic calling to say he's coming home early!

Going together to pick up Nick!

A husband who asks my professional opinion!

An impromptu trip to the bakery!

Going together to get Luke from the bus stop!

An independent 8 year old who is able to complete his homework on his own!

A 4 year old who is so excited to show me his newest library book!

An amazing husband who cooks dinner every night!

The ability to go as a family to football practice!

A quiet ride through Peace Valley Park!

The patience I felt when football practice didn't go as planned and I left with a crying baby!

A partner who helps bathe the kids!

A baby that poops and is soothed by a bathtub!

A family who enjoy sitting together to watch a new Halloween special on TV.

A baby who is learning sleep is a good thing and relaxed and fell back to sleep in his sleeper for bedtime!

A tall glass of wine!

People who can sing!

A banana treat!

A super long, hot shower! 

A quiet house!

The ability to appreciate all the tiny moments this day had to offer!

This Moment

This moment...

Domenic had to work his open house this Sunday from 1-5. Boo! So I decided to take all 3 boys to the castle park! It just re-opened and the kids loved it!

A Recipe for a Perfect Day

A Recipe for a Perfect Day

October 14, 2013

Eight years ago today I became a mommy! Yep, Monday was Luke's 8th birthday!

It was a perfect fall day and I knew I wanted to try to savor every moment!

The day started out like any other… plus a happy birthday serenade from Domenic and I!

Up at 6:45
Breakfast at 7:15
Fed Zack at 7:30
Leave the house at 8:00
Drop Nick at St. Jude's at 8:15
Take Luke to the bus at 8:30
(I am going to miss this routine in a few weeks)

I came home with a sleepy baby... And decided to go for a run!

2.8 abs on the front porch! Go me!

Sack conked out on his ride! Then stayed asleep listening to the black-eyed peas Pandora station! Silly baby!

After doing a little work in my closet, we ventured out for the day!

Got to love free coffee after the Eagles won Sunday!

The trees were gorgeous as I drove to Luke's school to surprise him as a lunch mom!
He was so excited!

After an afternoon routine of pick ups… Luke picked the restaurant for dinner!

 Texas Roadhouse!!! 

I was just as excited as he was!
 Him to ride the saddle… Me for steak and baked potatoes!

There was singing… Yee-haw-ing… And of course the birthday dessert!!!

It was a bit of a juggling act… But everyone had fun!!

Happy birthday Luke! We all love you so much!

... And it was a most perfect day!!!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

This Moment

This moment...

Day 3 of dropping both Luke and Nick off to school. We've had extra time between dropping Nick and getting to Luke's school so we've been hanging out in a beautiful little place at the school called Ashley's Garden. It's a memorial for a former student. Luke loves it there… And I do too! Love this moment!

Saturday, September 7, 2013

This Moment

This moment...

Went for a run by myself on the 1st fall like Saturday morning. I came home to a hungry baby... But it appears he was more tuckered out than me! For a little man who has given up daytime rest over the past few days, I'm embracing this moment of sweet, short breaths and watching this little man sleep on my lap!

Always want to remember this moment!

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

A Deep Breath of Fresh, Salty, Sea Air

A Deep Breath of Fresh, Salty, Sea Air

Just what the doctor ordered!

To say the last few weeks have been a roller coaster 
would be an understatement!
Summer = Rollercoaster rides right?!?!

Sure it's summer time! 
Sure we just had a baby! 
Sure we have 2 other children! 
Sure we're all home together!

Life = Rollercoaster
Sounds reasonable enough!

But it wasn't the happy, hands in the air, cries of joy, carefree roller coaster ride one might associate with summertime!

I've been trying to slow time down 
but the days before this past weekend 
began blending together and blurring altogether.

You see...we all know that having a baby 
often can turn a world upside down!

Sure we take sweet pictures and breathe in the quiet moments as our babies are tiny.

We try and forget the sleepless nights 
as our babies grow out of the newborn stage 
and appreciate each and every milestone.

But recently those quiet moments 
were replaced with frequent fits of cries, 
mouth milk spots, gas bubbles, 
drops of various kinds, 
clean diapers 
(never thought I'd be so happy to see poop!) 
and crazy mommy mood swings!

Baby #3 was rocking my world!

The boys are in love with their little baby bro! 
They ask to kiss him every other moment 
and use super cute, high pitched voices as they say 
"Hey Zackaboo!" 
(I never want that phrase to leave my memory!) 
They have been an incredibly easy element 
to this chaotic transition!

Luckily, the only thing my sister wanted for her 30th birthday was to have the whole family down the shore!

It seemed just what the doctor ordered!


And that's exactly what I did!

Saturday was my 2nd favorite day of summer!
(2nd only to the day our wonderful baby Zack 
entered our lives!)

It began with a delicious cup of strong coffee 
(with Hazelnut creamer)! 
My favorite!

We packed up kids, suits, towels, sunscreen, chairs, toys, umbrellas, boogie boards, snacks, waters, beers, hats, sunglasses, sandals, kites, carts, and so much more!

There were 21 of us...8 kids, 13 adults, 
and it took 4 cars to get everyone and everything there!

It was such an amazing few hours!

There was sand between my toes!
Smiles on my boys faces!
Noisy laughs and quiet breaths!

There was a walk with a sand rat 
and a dip in the ocean with a water rat!
There was delicious beer with my baby close on me,
with the warm sun on my skin,
and the salty air in my lungs and hair!

Everyone had fun!
And Baby Zack seemed to LOVE the beach!

He enjoyed some time awake playing with Domenic, 
ate, and them enjoyed a lovely 2 hour nap 
snuggled close to me in the Happy Wrap!
(Happy Wrap = the greatest invention 
and addition to my baby bag ever!)

After a few hours and an empty cooler 
we decided to pack up!
We packed up quicker than we set up!
(which seemed like a miracle!)

We showered, had dinner, and had a wonderful night of snacks and rides on the board walk!

Time seemed to move slower!
Everything seemed to make me smile!
(Even the gigantic poopie diaper)

And since that lovely beach day,
Baby Zachary seems to have taken a turn!

He seems less uncomfortable, far less fussy 
and much happier during his awake time!

And so for now...
I'm trying to breathe in the moments!
And appreciate the little things!

After all...
It's the little things that add up to be the big things!



Monday, August 5, 2013

Kicking Off This Moment

Kicking Off This Moment...

A weekly ritual. A single photo-no words-capturing a moment from the week! A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember!
Inspired by LittleMissMomma who was inspired by SouleMama!

These Moments...

An afternoon date in lovely Doylestown!

A dinner date with my boys!

Happy Birthday to Me! Daddy "photo-bombing" is the best!

A complete family!

A quiet moment! Pure Bliss! Breathing in the moment!