
Monday, August 27, 2012

Hello Monday...
inspired by 
Little Miss Momma's Hello Monday
who was inspired by
Lisa Leonard's Hello Monday

So here goes mine.....

Hello waking up feeling super overwhelmed and anxious of all the unknown of a new school year...

Hello goodbye kisses and "Mom I had a happy summer!"

Hello really important morning coffee...

Hello dust, dirt, sweat, rain and really pretty new classroom...

Hello brand new cleaning supplies...

Hello boxes....and goodbye boxes!

Hello happy working music....

Hello old friends & new ones too...

Hello a feeling of accomplishment...

Hello most amazing welcome home hugs!

Hello delicious dinner 
cooked by my amazingly wonderful hubby!
(made extra delicious as no microwave = no lunch)!

Hello football practice with an incredible proud little boy!

Hello more sweat and more dirt from the playground!

Hello watching Nick chase an adorable little friend!

Hello bath time and hot shower...

Hello treats...

Hello finishing a summer book....


This week I need to remember to take 1 day at a time as I say...

Hello brand new school year...

Hello brand new students...

Hello to 2 brand new schools for my boys...

Hello to 3 brand new teachers 
who I hope they will grow to love!

Hello to supporting my hubby 
as he says hello to a new position...

Hello to welcome back orientation for Luke...

Hello to smiles, laughs, stories, treats, 
and some fun with the boys at night!

And Hello to Friday...which will be here before we know it!
Then Hello to a 3 day weekend!

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Pee-Wee Football...

Pee-Wee Football...

So this fall, it looks like I'll be playing the role of 
"Football Mom!"

While neither Domenic nor I played 
many sports in high school, 
we've encouraged him to try different team sports for exposure to see if there was something he was really into! 
We did 2 seasons of t-ball and a season of soccer. 
As the seasons begin to change, 
we always ask Luke if he'd like to give something a try...
either something he's done before or something new. 
We've always said he should try 
anything he thinks might be fun!

Well you could have knocked Domenic and I over 
when he came home from school one day in the spring 
and said he wanted to try football. 
With shock and a few probing questions 
to see who from his class had planted this seed...
Luke responded, "You said I could try anything!"

"Well..Luke...Yes we did...
Ok..we'll see if we can get you signed up."

Cut to tonight!

His 1st official game!

So darn cute!

They won! 
They crushed the other team!
35 to 14

They had warm up music pumping out of the announcer's box!
Each player got announced!
(Ok so they said #14...Luke Minasey...
but he ran down the field excited nontheless!)

He had fun playing!

We had fun watching!

And Nicholas is now so badly 
wanting to be like his big brother!

It was great!

Of course, it hasn't been smooth sailing!

Practices are 4 times a week for 2 hours at a time!
He sometimes doesn't want to go...
because I think he'd rather chill on the couch than be in the heat with pads doing calisthenics.

He's not a terribly big kid...
Actually, he's tied with another player for 
smallest guy on the team.

Most of the players have at least 1 year experience playing.
So Luke is carving out his spot as Most Improved!
Going from knowing just about nothing about the sport....
to being able to hold his own on the defensive line!

He had to do push-ups during warm ups for going off-sides.

But last practice we walked off the field and he said...
"That was awesome!"

My heart smiled!

Not because I'm eager to be a football mom...
Or because I like the thought of kids tackeling each other... (cringe)
I just want what every mother wants....
I want my child to be happy!

While he's still wondering how much time is left at half time, 
tonight at the end of the game, he said he loved it!

And so for this season, 
I'll be playing the role of "Football Mom!"

I don't care if he never plays another season...
as long as he doesn't quit...
doesn't get hurt...
and is happy!

I do have a feeling this other little man may not be far behind!

Happy Fall!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Why I Love Teaching...Teaching Myth's about Summer Vacation

Why I love teaching....
Teaching Myth's about Summer Vacation


(This is not a post about why teachers are over or under paid 
or whether or not we deserve many perks 
including a 2 or 3 month vacation!)

Many teachers quickly pack up their classroom's in June, 
turn in their keys, 
and peel out of the parking lot excited 
about a few months of freedom! 

I, like many other teachers, feel a sense of accomplishment 
and closure as June rolls around! 

A sense of accomplishment for all 
that was planned and learned,
meetings that were had,
paperwork that was completed,
problems that were solved or compromised upon,
goals that were met,
and progress that was shown!

There's a small sense of closure in the effort 
that was put into forming relationships...
with staff members...
with administrators...
with parents...
but most of all with students!

It's a sense of closure for most teachers that spend 1 year helping, supporting, teaching, leading, motivating, 
and loving a group of students!
A sense of closure that this group of students may move on and reap the efforts of another teacher the following year!
A sense of closure that you will receive a new group of students that you will be able to devote yourself to the following year!

My life as a teacher has sometimes looked a little different!
As a teacher of multiple grades, I often form special bonds with a very small group of students that sometimes carry over for multiple years! 
I am fortunate to observe a child grow and overcome obstacles that sometimes take more than a years time!

Each June, I often feel like I've accomplished a great deal 
but always wish I could have done more!
I don't often feel that closure that comes from saying goodbye to a group of students moving on to the next grade.
Until now!

For the 1st time in 10 years, I will not have any returning students to my classroom. Besides 1 year where I switched positions and went from teaching middle school to kindergarten and first grade, I have always had at least 1 student returning in the fall from the previous year!
This June there was lots of closure!
(Not to mention lots of tears!)
I hugged each of my students
told them how proud I was of what they learned 
and how independent they became
and I made them promise to visit me next year!

This June, I tried to promise myself I would recharge!
My 10th year of teaching was going to be 
a bit different from the rest!

This summer brought so many exciting events!
In addition to various vacations,  
I spent some time on house projects!
I laid a new floor in the kitchen, 
hallway, bathroom, and laundry rooms!
(It all flows together!)
I painted the wood door, trim, and window white
in our master bathroom!
I redid closets and organized the attic!

In addition to getting sweaty with projects
I read 6 books!
(more than I've ever read in 1 summer)
We went to the zoo, the swim club, and many, many movies!

It's been simply an amazing summer!

So I as sit here on the eve of my last 
night of summer vacation
(it's the weekend..
and then a week of prep...
teacher days + unpacking!)
one might think I might feel a sadness 
about missing this life we've lead for the past few months!

Except I have a secret!


Teaching for me is so much more than a job...
it's even more that just a profession!
For me...It's part of my soul! 
Part of who I am!
A piece of me thats temporarily lost 
when I'm not in the classroom!
It's a even if I won the lottery,
I would still have to teach feeling!

Of course I LOVE summer! 
And I'm not sure I would want to teach somewhere 
that had school year round!
The time Domenic and I get to spend together 
both being teachers is amazing! 
And the time we spend collectively 
as a family is simply invaluable! 
Every moment is cherished!

But I never stop thinking about my classroom!
The noise...The friends...The amazing ideas...
The faces..The smiles...
The laughter...sometimes the tears 
but so many more smiles!

I can not describe how excited I get 
when I receive that welcome back packet! 
Or when I go out and buy my planner for the upcoming year! 
(This date gets earlier and earlier each year! 
This year I had it on my birthday. 6/14. 
Just for the record we ended school 6/12.)

This year is going to be like any other! 
I am blessed to have a brand new amazing group of students 
to help, teach, support, and love!
I am blessed to have amazing friends 
and teams of teachers to help share ideas and students!
I am so eager to get into school,
begin unpacking, 
and breathing in the moments of another spectacular year!

Monday, August 20, 2012

Being a Mom! Part 1

Being a Mom! Part 1

A mom of boys....
Growing up I was the oldest of 3 girls!  I knew all about Barbie's, My Little Ponies, Cabbage Patch Kids, hot pink, and bedazzling! We played school and house often! Training of course for "real life!" 

My mom would curl my hair and give me side ponytails (what was she thinking)! Yes, my dad did his part too! He did a great job of keeping us girls a little boyish too! I played basketball. I liked to get my hands dirty. And unless something is exceptionally heavy, I'm all about moving furniture, doing household projects, and swinging a hammer all myself!

When I got married and Domenic and I decided to start a family, I wasn't thinking much about what life would look like if I wasn't raising girls! When I found out I was pregnant I knew I just wanted a happy, healthy baby! Boy or Girl...we weren't sure!

Low and behold Baby #1 was a gorgeous little boy!

Luke Phillip Mingacci was born on October 14, 2005

Learning to be a parent had it's challenges for sure! 
It's a learning process unlike any other in the world!

You are now solely responsible for this little life!
 You find your heart has more love than you ever thought possible!
You find just how capable your are of getting through the day on little to no sleep!
You find patience tucked sometimes in the depths of soul!
You come to appreciate a hot shower and quiet moments like never before!
You recognize that holding that tiny, warm, sleeping baby makes any troubles go away!

Then come the first smile and the first laugh!
An affirmation that you might be doing a good job 
and bringing happiness to your little baby's life!

It seems that since the moment Luke 1st smiled and then learned to laugh he hasn't stopped!
(Of course he has! He's a typical kid and that sometimes 
brings tears, temper tantrums and disappointment!) 

However, I feel like the joy I felt when I saw his 1st smile and 1st heard him laugh returns still with his shy smile and belly laughs! 
At 6, he still brings tears to my eyes when he is overwhelmed with happiness!

Pure joy....

I thought could I really love another as much as this little man?!? 

Well around the time Luke was 3, 
it was an extremely hectic time for our family! 
We sold our 1st house, 
were preparing to move into a new house, 
and you know what they say...
"New baby!"
This happened in 24 hours for us!

Nervous, excited, overwhelmed, and blessed! 
We experienced just about every emotion as we envisioned 
our family of 3 
becoming  family of 4.

I had gotten used to being a mother of a little boy! 
Trucks, cars, Sesame, I began to doubt if I would be a good mom to a little girl. 
Just like with Luke we waited for the ultimate surprise!
Boy or Girl...we weren't sure!

And...Who knew? Baby # 2 was another handsome little boy!

On April 11, 2009 Nicholas Salvatore Mingacci blessed our world!


There were of course new lessons to be learned as our family grew!
We learned to juggle!! 
Domenic and I juggled responsibilities, the boys, family, visitors, 
meal times, bath times, bed times, sleep, each other!
It was a wonderfully chaotic time! 
Yet, even in the stressful moments of both children needing us at the same time, 
I was blissfully calm! 
I knew that these moments were all short lived! 
The tough moments would go by fast. 
But sadly the easy, fun, wonderful moments would go by even quicker!

 And yes....

It was double the joy!
Double the love!
Double the happiness!

Double the smiles!
Double the belly laughs!
Double the silly moments!
Double trouble at times too! 

Our boys teach us new things every day!

Some of my favorite lessons include:

Towels can wipe up all the water on the bathroom floor...
sometimes it really is more fun to splash like crazy!

It really is possible to feel complete exasperation in one moment 
and be hysterically laughing seconds later!

The small stuff really doesn't matter!

Baking cookies should happen on the spot...despite the time of day!

Bedtime stories are so much more than the words on the pages! 
Their quiet, cuddle moments that I have grown to cherish!

Time spent with grandparents is invaluable!

Yelling solves nothing!

A simple hug can bring us back to the moment and give us perspective 
about the stuff that does matter!

Clothes don't have to match!

Sometimes it's fun to make your own rules to the game!

And while this is a reflection about being a mom, our boys have opened a whole new part of my heart for their daddy! I always knew Domenic would be an amazing dad! We're both still kids at heart! Still, what I've learned about my husband through my boys is remarkable!

My strong, wonderful, brilliant best friend 
is also the most amazing father and partner in this thing we call parenthood!

They wrestle, build legos, use electronics, chat about pop culture (then and now), read bed time stories, jam to music, cook dinner, talk about Disney World, read comic books, watch movies and so much more...

At times I step back and say to myself 
"He's definitely the most fun parent of the two of us!" 
And then i remind myself this is exactly what makes he and I great! 
We balance each other out!
I'm not always fun or funny for that matter...
But we both bring our strengths to the "parenting table!"

We have our troubles but I think we're doing a good job for now!

Being the mother of boys is certainly an adventure!

I can name super heros and all the Cars characters!

I have to go to football practice for Luke 4 times a week!

I remind myself to think about situation when I might need to allow my boys to struggle and learn resiliency and problem solving and when to pull them in for hugs and let them know nothing matters except being loved and trying your best!

There's no pink, no Barbies, no side pony tails....
And I'm learning new lessons each day....
And I wouldn't trade it for the world!