
Saturday, February 15, 2014

A Winter To Remember

A Winter To Remember...

You're saying this is supposed to be fun?!?!

I'm not sure about this!

Walking to the big hill!

This is not fun!

This is fun!

Snowball or Snack?!?

Here we go!

Not sleeping...but looks like it! Letting the snow fall on his face!

OK...maybe it's not so bad!

The walk up is rarely fun...especially when Nick kept losing his sled!

Come on...Smooch me!


Silly snow angel!

Peaceful snow angel!

On our way home with lunch!

Meet Emitt..Our snowman! Inspired by The Lego Movie!
It's been a long winter so far and it's only the 2nd week of February.
Yesterday we hit our 10th snow day!
Today brought lots of outdoor fun!
We decided to drive to Luke's school for some fun sledding!
Nick loved it!
Luke loved it!
Zack...well...not so much! But he eventually came around!
There was lots of sledding!
Then we came home, had some lunch, and headed back out for some snow man making and we built the foundation for our igloo!
The afternoon was filled with playdates! (Nick went to Abi's house and Preston came here!)
This is happy!

This is what matters!

A Day In Pictures...Happy Valentines Day

Happy Valentine's day...

Better late than never!

Found these jems I certainly don't want to ever forget...
So...happy valentines day in June!!!



You Made Me A Mother

You Made Me A Mother....
This ad made it's way around and I'm sure made mom's all over shed tears
and take a breath and realize that it all matters!
visit for more information!

I felt you!

     You were a pea!

          Then a lemon!

               Then an eggplant!

I followed advice!

     I read twelve books!

          I quit coffee!

Could you tell I was scared?

I talked to you, sang to you...

     I wasn't ready!

          But then you were here!

Ten toes! Eight pounds! Love! Big fat love!

I held you!

     I fed you!

          I realized that I would spend my life doing things to make you happy!

                -- and that that would make me happy!

And then there are the times I want to give up!

     You've made me rethink my sanity!
          You've made me want to fall on my mother's feet and tell her that I get it!

But then you smile...

      and you say my name...

          and you grab my hand with those little fingers!

We're growing together!

     We are seeing the world like it's new!
           I will open my heart and love will rain down all over you!

               You'll giggle, and I'll do it all over again!

                    And we will walk hand in hand!
                         Until you let go!

                              I made you.....
                                  but you made me a mother!

It all matters!