
Wednesday, February 20, 2013

A Day in Pictures....

A Day in Pictures....

Fun at the Franklin Institute!

Favorite moments of the day included:
-Running through the heart
-Luke making paper airplanes to fly over the fan
-Nicholas inviting me over for a sleep over 
(as if I was his friend and not his mom...even promised his dad would make me pumpkin pancakes and said he had lots of girl stuffed animals for me to sleep with!)

It was such a great day off!

Before we left...

Before the fun began...

Running around the heart....

A quiet minute just the 2 of us....
Even though its a really bad picture!

Inside the tunnels...

Checking out the solar system...

On the ship...

I see you Mom...

In the coal area of the train...

Rock climbing...


Look Mom, "No Hands!"

Race cars...

Lifting bricks....

Preparing for his forecast...
I'm on TV!!!! We're going to have Severe Thunderstorms...

Flying paper airplanes! 

Look how high our plane is...

In the fighter plane...


Sunday, February 10, 2013

Mom! 2 Things to Tell You

Mom! (Being yelled) 
Two Things to Tell You!

An Ode to my 2nd little love!

In an effort to do a 1st for my 2nd love...

(please put a mark in the column for my against creating middle child syndrome!!)

Nicholas is 3 years old (close to 4 in April) 
but going on 8 years old 
     (of be older than his big brother!)

Nicholas is very, very much a "Momma's Boy!" and I would be totally lying if I didn't say I'm not loving every second of it!

At any given point, he will say "Hug!" which means please stop everything you're doing because I need a hug!

He gives unfair love to his dad! (which I don't support!) 
but love the love he gives me!

I always get the 1st and last kisses before leaving!
I always get a "Have good dreams Mom!"
I always get a "Mom...How was your day?"


My absolute favorite thing right now...

The thing I hope I never forget about this time in his childhood is hearing his sweet voice YELL from the top of the stairs...

Mom! 2 things to tell you!

Sometimes it's 3 but most often it's 2! 
And this basically happens..




              after we've done stories and tucked him in for the night!

It goes something like this....

5-10 minutes will pass after putting the boys to bed.
Domenic and I will just begin to settle into a show.
And from the top of the stairs, we hear....

Nick:     "Mom!"
Me:        "Yes!"
Nick:     "2 things to tell you!"
Me:        "What's up honey?"
Nick:     "1st thing (pause) is (pause) I love you!"
Me:        "Oh honey! I love you too!"
Nick:     "2nd thing (pause) I need another hug!"
Me:        "Come on down!"

Which leads to lovely footsteps bumping down the steps and tiny feet running down the hall to the family room. He jumps into my lap and smothers me with hugs and kisses!


When this 1st started (many weeks ago) I remember feeling a tiny level of frustration as I heard the "Moooom?"

As I yelled back..."Yesss?"

Now, I love it! 

And hope it never goes away!


You are truly one of the sweetest, most affectionate little loves I could've ever asked to enter my life! Your smiles and belly laughs can send any worry away instantaneously! I couldn't count how many strangers compliment you on your manners, language, mannerisms, crazy hair and of course, your amazing eye lashes! 

I love you to the moon and back! 

Even though you constantly complain "I'm never going to grow up!" I'm ok with that! Even if I can't stop it from happening! I'm hoping some days I can at least slow it down.

While I know you'll grow up first slowly and then very fast...
I never want to forget.... 
How you barrel towards me as I walk in the door!
How you always ask if I had a good day!
How we promise "monster hugs" to each other!
The times you've asked to fall asleep in my bed! 
    I'm not sure I'll ever enjoy saying No!
The excitement you have for helping...
    (From slicing your apple to baking cookies!)

As a little man....

I wish I could capture the way you look to Luke and try and mimic his every move. It proves what an amazing role model he is for you! I hope you always look to your dad as the ultimate role model! If you and your brother could grow up to be the kind of man he is, the world will be a better place!

It's so fun to watch you embrace this new stage in becoming a big brother. You bring up your new baby brother or sister at random times which shows how he or she is on your mind. I think you are going to be a great big brother and will shower this new baby with love and hugs and kisses! 
(And probably teach them a thing or two!)

I hope you stay kind and generous! Stay sweet and innocent! May you always know that Daddy and I will support any chance you see worth taking! Love with everything you have! Smile and hold doors for strangers! Work hard but learn to relax! Keep your family and friends close forever! Read when you can! Don't sweat the small stuff...and in the end...It's all small stuff!

You are so loved!

Just don't grow up too fast! I want to cherish these moments....

Big and Small!

An Ode to Luke is not so far behind!
Remember at this point, you have a baby book! Nick doesn't! :)