
Wednesday, October 30, 2013

RELAX....And take a minute for yourself!

RELAX....And take a minute for yourself!

I think I will!

      (Written on my lunch bag!)

(Still snuggling as I finish this post)

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Playing Hooky for the Afternoon

Playing Hooky for the Afternoon...

With only 10 true days of maternity leave left, there is a desire to cherish every waking moment and take advantage of the extra time I have right now.

Nick has been begging to be a "half day friend!" These are students who are in his class that get picked up at 11:45 as opposed to 3:15. There aren't many 1/2 day friends but nevertheless I think some days its hard to see other kids leave with their moms and dads at lunchtime.

So today was a field trip day for him. His class was going to the farm for the morning! So yesterday when he asked if he could be a half day friend, I smiled and said "Absolutely!" I also remember many kids going home early after field trips when I was a kid.

Of course, once Luke heard Nick was going to be a half day friend, we decided to make it a family affair.

And it has been so lovely!

I picked Luke up at 11:30 and make it to pick Nicholas up at 11:45. We decided to go to the mall for lunch. And no trip to the mall is complete without a swing around The Disney Store. Of course, we couldn't NOT take advantage of the Vinylmations being BOGO (twice!)! The boys left the mall super excited and appreciative!


We came home...I fed Zack (who's now quietly napping upstairs on my bed) and the boys have been playing for over an hour...together...with no tv on...and no bickering!

It's been a great afternoon so far! A great opportunity to make new memories!

Thursday, October 17, 2013

When the Going Gets Tough

When the Going Tough...

This is a reminder that all we do doesn't always go unnoticed!

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Today I am Thankful for...

Today I am Thankful for...

Waking up healthy!

Little boys who love to snuggle!

Goodbye kisses from my love!

Plenty of time to make breakfast and watch morning tv with the boys!

A baby who will still enjoys nursing!

Amazing fall weather!

Smiles from teachers welcoming Nicholas with open arms for another day of school!

Time to watch Luke run and play at the bus stop!

Opportunities to teach Zack sleeping (well today it was just relaxing) doesn't have to be a bad/scary thing to do!

The ability to make my baby smile by singing to him!

The time to catch up on 2 blog posts!

Pumpkin lattes!

Surprise leftover lunch (taco pasta + Mac n cheese)

Domenic calling to say he's coming home early!

Going together to pick up Nick!

A husband who asks my professional opinion!

An impromptu trip to the bakery!

Going together to get Luke from the bus stop!

An independent 8 year old who is able to complete his homework on his own!

A 4 year old who is so excited to show me his newest library book!

An amazing husband who cooks dinner every night!

The ability to go as a family to football practice!

A quiet ride through Peace Valley Park!

The patience I felt when football practice didn't go as planned and I left with a crying baby!

A partner who helps bathe the kids!

A baby that poops and is soothed by a bathtub!

A family who enjoy sitting together to watch a new Halloween special on TV.

A baby who is learning sleep is a good thing and relaxed and fell back to sleep in his sleeper for bedtime!

A tall glass of wine!

People who can sing!

A banana treat!

A super long, hot shower! 

A quiet house!

The ability to appreciate all the tiny moments this day had to offer!

This Moment

This moment...

Domenic had to work his open house this Sunday from 1-5. Boo! So I decided to take all 3 boys to the castle park! It just re-opened and the kids loved it!

A Recipe for a Perfect Day

A Recipe for a Perfect Day

October 14, 2013

Eight years ago today I became a mommy! Yep, Monday was Luke's 8th birthday!

It was a perfect fall day and I knew I wanted to try to savor every moment!

The day started out like any other… plus a happy birthday serenade from Domenic and I!

Up at 6:45
Breakfast at 7:15
Fed Zack at 7:30
Leave the house at 8:00
Drop Nick at St. Jude's at 8:15
Take Luke to the bus at 8:30
(I am going to miss this routine in a few weeks)

I came home with a sleepy baby... And decided to go for a run!

2.8 abs on the front porch! Go me!

Sack conked out on his ride! Then stayed asleep listening to the black-eyed peas Pandora station! Silly baby!

After doing a little work in my closet, we ventured out for the day!

Got to love free coffee after the Eagles won Sunday!

The trees were gorgeous as I drove to Luke's school to surprise him as a lunch mom!
He was so excited!

After an afternoon routine of pick ups… Luke picked the restaurant for dinner!

 Texas Roadhouse!!! 

I was just as excited as he was!
 Him to ride the saddle… Me for steak and baked potatoes!

There was singing… Yee-haw-ing… And of course the birthday dessert!!!

It was a bit of a juggling act… But everyone had fun!!

Happy birthday Luke! We all love you so much!

... And it was a most perfect day!!!