
Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Pineapple Turkey Pants...

Pineapple Turkey Pants...

via pinmarket

Nicholas' favorite saying right now!

We have no idea how or where it originated. 
We went through a short Sponge Bob phase 
that could have planted the seed for the pineapple. 
And while he doesn't eat turkey...maybe he thought turkey pants
was better than squarepants!

Who knows!

Regardless, this exceptionally unique and endearing phrase 
was created solely by my 3 year old!

Pineapple Turkey Pants

Goes great after I love in....I love you, pineapple turkey pants!

Goes great after I'm in...Oh pineapple turkey pants, I'm sorry!

Can be used as a salutation or prior to an persons in...Pineapple Turkey Mommy! 

We hear it when he's silly!

We hear it when he's happy!

We hear it when he's frustrated! 

Any time of day....Any situation...
nothing makes me let go of all my cares and stresses 
and simply smile at such a cooky phrase! 

I will always love my little Pineapple Turkey Pants!

Monday, May 28, 2012

Happy Memorial Day...

Happy Memorial Day...

photo by Netti Alnquist
An official start to summer but more than that a time to think about those who are away from their families, children, and all their loved ones because of their commitment to fight for our freedom! 

Glad to be an American always tears at my 
heartstrings and brings tears to my eyes. 

Remembering my dad playing the song practically on repeat any patriotic holiday will always be one of my first memories of Lee Greenwoods song. I can remember sitting in the driveway in the backseat of my parents car waiting for until the song ended. It was always a favorite of his and quickly became a favorite of mine.

After 911 it was impossible to not have images flash through your mind any time you heard the song. I was 21 when the towers fell and the patriotism felt in those weeks and months will be a feeling I will not soon forget. 

Now 10 years later, you could have knocked me over as I overheard Luke humming the melody to this very song while working at his desk. I asked what he was singing and he responded, "Oh just a song we  are singing at graduation. It's called Glad to be an American. Wanna hear it?" I nodded with tears already in my eyes and listed as he sang a verse and the chorus. His sweet, innocent, perfect voice singing, 

"and I'll gladly stand up, next to you and defend her still today, because there ain't no doubt I love this land, God Bless the USA.

Today may we all remember the greatest sense of patriotism we've experienced and know that our soldiers, current and fallen lived with incredible patriotism with everyday of their work!

God Bless the USA

Monday, May 14, 2012

Hello Monday…

Hello Monday…

Thanks Pinterest!
Hello Monday and sleepy boys..woke up to the boys
sleeping around me…quite rare with early risers!

Hello Monday and audio books and radio shows!

Hello Monday and working with friends!

Hello Monday and making kids smile!

Hello Monday with only 3 more Mondays left until summer!

Hello Monday and hugs from my boys!

Hello Monday and kisses from my love!

Hello Monday and running in the rain (especially when it’s
been far longer than I prefer to admit that I’ve gone for a run!)

Hello Monday and eavesdropping on my boys making each other laugh in the bath!

Hello Monday Nicholas asking me not to “yell” at his “big brudder Dukey”

Hello Monday and iced carmel lattes!

Hello Monday and Howard on TV!

Hello Monday and checking in with my happiness!

What you do every day is more important than what you do once in a while.

Hello Monday…but it’s ok! 

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Hump Day of a long week…

Hump Day of a long week…

Thanks Pinterest!
Hump Day of a long week…
Still today I’m thankful for…

How sometimes nothings soothes me like a little mood lighting, a soft blanket and music in the background.

My 3 year old offering a compromise on what to do with the last vitamin… “I know Mommy…split it!” Why didn’t I think of that?!?!

Adele’s One and Only
Finger painting!

The most amazing snuggle with Luke!

A friend being blessed with a baby girl (who has 3 big brothers)!

My blog…6 posts and going strong!

Sharing everything with my amazing husband…even if it’s mostly stress right now! I'd share anything with him! 

Take a minute to think about what you're thankful for!

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Mommy's Weekend With the Boys!

Mommy's Weekend With the Boys!

Slow even breaths,
Extraordinarily long eyelashes,
Snuggles (and a bit of sweat),
 Sleepy “I love you’s” before really entering dreamland…

Daddy’s weekend away with the college boys 
Mommy’s weekend home with their boys!

picture taken 7/2011 in Disney World

To me one of the greatest mommy moments is feeling your child drift from wakefulness to sound sleep.

When the boys were newborns, I always loved rocking them to sleep, (Not in a crazy every night loved rocking them to sleep but when they were sick or overtired or restless) and as I felt the breaths become more even, I felt a sense of relief! (Ahh....He's asleep! Now I can head to bed!)

When the boys were toddlers, they often asked to be laid with (which often led to more chatting, singing, reading, etc. than relaxing or sleeping) but as I heard their breaths become more even, I felt a sense of accomplishment! (Yes!...I did it! He's asleep! Now I can go x, y, or z!)

Now as they are 6 and 3, they know they get to sleep in our bed when Domenic isn't home (I don't like sleeping alone and there's extra room for 2 of them without guaranteeing an elbow to the chest.) We watch a show, put on some music, say prayers and I listen as they drift to sleep. They ask to have their back rubbed and whisper half asleep "I love you's!" Except now as I listen to their breaths become more even, instead of relief or accomplishment, I'm filled with curiosity. 

What do they dream of?
What do they hope for?
Do they feel loved every second of the day?

I hope they dream with no limits!
(But they're probably dreaming of Disney World and Jimmy Newtron) 

I hope they hope for happiness and success!
(But they're probably hoping for cupcakes for breakfast)

I hope they feel cherished every second of every moment of every day!
(But I really think they feel loved everyday!)

Soon I begin to notice my breaths becoming more even as my eyes grown smaller and I drift off with my arms around them!

Sweet dreams to be had by all!
To the moon and back...

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

The History of My Happiness Projects!

The History of My Happiness Projects!

image from

 My 1st Happiness Project was titled:
“My Happiness Project: Or, Why I am spending a year trying to Stretch, Get Organized, Get back to dating my husband,…. 
And Generally be more HAPPY!

My 2nd Happiness Project was titled:
“My Happiness Project: Or, Why I am spending a year trying to 
Breathe in the Moment, Act the Way I Want to Feel,
Smile When I’m upset, Pick up Where I left off, Stretch, Date, Organize, And Generally be more HAPPY!

My 3rd Happiness Project was titled:
“My Happiness Project: Or, Why I am spending a year 
trying to JUST BE!

So now for the 4th Phase....The phase titled:
My Happiness Project or Why I am spending a year
Doing what matters!  
Mostly Happy Matters!
And Happy Matters was born!

Happiness by definition is a mental or emotional state of well-being characterized by positive or pleasant emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy.

Happiness means something different to everyone. To my 56 year old father, happiness is family, friends, cigars, fires, and food. To my 72 year old grandmother happiness is family, her husband, 
grandchildren, and Notre Dame football.

To me, happiness is dates with my husband, vacations with my family, snuggling and sleeping with my boys, hot coffee, 
and wearing soft things. 

I love the things that make me happy and really I've learned there are many more things that bring me great happiness each day. But more than learning "what things" bring me happiness, over the past 2 years, I've learned that so much of my happiness has to do with

Paying attention to the big things...
these are easy to find, keep, and remember in happy memories...
(weddings, births, vacations, holidays) 
but also paying attention to the small, tiny tiny moments that could and were passing me by far to fast to notice, keep, 
and remember as happy memories...
(nighttime walks, bathtime with belly laughs, quiet nights watching tv, driveway fires, begging to be laid with for just one more minute)! 

These last few examples are what made me realize I needed to 

*For anyone that knows me, you know I talk about Gretchen as if we're friends. While I did met her once, I refer to her often because I find her inspiring!*

 When I began my happiness project I explained that I have never struggled with depression or unhappiness. I've always been cheery, mostly happy. Heck my very first screen name was Smilzalot3. (Created when I was 13)! I think I've always had happiness on the mind, it just seemed to settle at the back of my mind for my first 30 years.

But like Grechen's realization The Days are Long but the Years are Short I noticed minutes, moments, and memories were zipping past me and my mind was always 10 steps ahead of when I was in time. I never thought of breathing in moment and soaking things in. These two phrases are now part of my everyday mantra.

My goal for Happy Matters is to document things that matter to my happiness. I'm hoping there'll be lots of pictures, do-it-yourself crafts, funny stories of the craziness that comes from being the only chick in a house full of wonderfully funny men, reflections on previous memories, current projects, and day to day life experiences that make me happy!

To anyone who reads my silly stories,

I apologize in advance for misspellings, incorrect grammar, run on sentences, wrong tenses, and incorrect punctuation. (The teacher in me had to write that disclaimer!) I'm often writing about things I've been thinking about all day but sitting at my computer after a full 16 hour day of teaching, mommying, and wifing, I'm not always running at full speed!

I hope when you read my silly stories you smile! Smile because it's either funny, you've been in my shoes in similar instances, or you know in a single moment your life is calmer than mine! I hope if your reading my silly stories your slowing down and breathing in the tiny moments in your life that make you happy! 

In...Out...In...Out...In....Out...What 5 things bring you the most happiness?

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