
Tuesday, March 26, 2013

My 1st Little Man

My 1st Little Man 

Luke, you are my 7 year old little love! 

You probably hate when I say you're still little and truth be  
      told, it's becoming a stretch! 

You're becoming a strong, smart, brave, sweet, gentle, kind (and tall) boy!

You're only 7 and you have made me proud every moment of every day. Even your mistakes, learning opportunities, and moments of lost patience allow me to reflect on the resiliency you possess and your amazing problem solving skills.

You make me so happy! 

You're smile (while looking like a jack-o-lantern these day) melts all my worries away!

You'll face challenges today, tomorrow and as you grow up! I wish I could say you'll never struggle but I know that's not true. 

Everyone does! 

It's part of learning and growing to be an amazing person!

I hope as you face your challenges, you know that Daddy and I will always support you! We trust you and will listen and help you through any challenge you face!

And just when I think I can't love you more...just when I think my heart is overflowing with love and admiration for you and who you're becoming....

A few nights ago, I came home after a long day of teaching and then going to class. I went non-stop for 15 hours! 

I arrived exhausted but appreciative! 
Appreciative to have you dad who picks up the slack when I'm not home...for the money to be able to take a class...for you and Nick.

I stumbled up the stairs with daddy to get ready for bed and stopped in to kiss you and Nick goodnight...knowing you'd be fast asleep...and I became so appreciative for you Luke!

I first saw Nick's empty bed and them I saw your bed...your arms were wrapped around your little brother as you both lay asleep!

It was precious... Breathtaking...and as I bent down to kiss you goodnight I breathed you in!

Luke from the moment you were born, you have made me nothing but proud.

You are a wonderful kid and I can't wait to be a part of your many adventures in growing up and exploring all your amazing possibilities!

To the moon....and back....I LOVE YOU! XOXOXO